The missing Link - organizational culture: What military intelligence can learn from High Reliability Organizations (HROs)

Dirk Maclean, Charles Vandepeer

Research output: Book chapter/Published conference paperConference paperpeer-review


Large-scale investments in intelligence platforms and information networks form an important part of current attempts to cope with the uncertainty and complexity posed by the global security situation. These strive for better situational awareness and the integration of military capabilities during operations. Improvements in hardware, however, depend on critical human ‘soft skills’ and need to be supported by an appropriate organizational culture, if their benefits are to be fully realized. This dimension of the challenge is not yet fully appreciated by defense planners. Research into High Reliability Organizations (HROs) provides insight into what such a culture looks like, and how it might be implemented within a military intelligence context.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationInternational Studies Association 57th Annual Convention
PublisherInternational Studies Association
Number of pages13
Publication statusPublished - 2016
EventInternational Studies Association 57th Annual Convention - Headquarters Hotel: Hilton Atlanta, Atlanta, United States
Duration: 16 Mar 201619 Mar 2016 (Conference website)


ConferenceInternational Studies Association 57th Annual Convention
Abbreviated titleExploring Peace
Country/TerritoryUnited States
OtherThere were 272 theme panels drawn from most ISA sections and often co-sponsored by multiple sections. Highly successful programs such as the Junior Scholar Symposium included peace-related sessions and provided opportunities for junior and senior scholars to come together. I would again like to thank program co-chairs Amanda Murdie and Cooper Drury for their excellent work in putting together the program for the Atlanta conference. As ISA now has almost 7,000 members from 121 countries, we must not forget our shared interests and missions, even as the association grows more diverse on a host of dimensions.
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