The much needed security and data reforms of cloud computing in medical data storage

Sushma Munugala , Ali Syed, Gagandeep K. Brar, Azeem Mohammad, Malka N. Halgamuge

Research output: Book chapter/Published conference paperChapter (peer-reviewed)peer-review

13 Citations (Scopus)


Cloud computing has shifted our old documents up into the clouds, with the advancement of technology. Fast-growing virtual document storage platforms provide amenities with minimal expense in the corporate society. Despite living in the 20th century, even the first world countries have issues with the maintenance of document storage. Cloud computing resolves this issue for business and clinic owners as it banishes the requirement of planning, provisioning, and allows corporations to advance their filling system according to service demands. Medical practices heavily, rely on document storage as; almost all information contained in medical files is stored in a printed format. Medical practices urgently need to revolutionize their storage standards, to keep up with the growing population. The traditional method of paper storage in medical practice has completely been obsolete and needs to improve in order to assist patients with faster diagnosis in critical situations. Obtaining Knowledge and sharing it is an important part of medical practice, so it needs immediate attention to reach its full service potential. This chapter has analyzed content from literature that highlights issues regarding data storage and recommends solution. This inquiry has found a useful tool that can be beneficial for the development of this problem which is, ‘data mining’ as it gives the option of predictive, and preventative health care options, when medical data is searched. The functionality and worthiness of each algorithm and methods are also determined in this study. By using cloud and big data services to improve the analysis of medical data in network of regional health information system, has huge advancements that assure convenient management, easy extension, flexible investment, and low requirements for low technical based private medical units.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationApplying big data analytics in bioinformatics and medicine
EditorsMiltiadis D. Lytras, Paraskevi Papadopoulou
Place of PublicationHershey PA
PublisherIGI Global
Number of pages15
ISBN (Electronic)9781522526087
ISBN (Print)9781522526070, 1522526072
Publication statusPublished - 2018


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