The new tour guide: Choreographing and co-creating tourist experiences

Betty Weiler, Rosemary Black

Research output: Book chapter/Published conference paperConference paperpeer-review

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As "memorable experiences" have come to be considered central to tourism, the roles played by tour guides have continued to evolve. Reviewing the guide‘s roles in light of emerging markets and other societal trends, this paper presents a typology of future guided tour experiences distinguished by the target market, style of guiding and use of communication, with varying experiential outcomes for the tourist. For most market segments, tour guides will need to become more highly skilled experience-brokers,including embracing technology to choreograph memorable experiences. To satisfy tourists in search of personalised and meaningful experiences, guides will need to actively engage tourists in the co-creation of their guided tour experiences. The typology provides a management and research framework for examining these relationships and maximising the chances of facilitating quality tourist experiences.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationCAUTHE 2016: The changing landscape of tourism and hospitality
Subtitle of host publicationThe impact of emerging markets and emerging destinations, proceedings of the 26th CAUTHE conference, Sydney, Australia
EditorsM Scerri, H Lee Keer
Place of PublicationSydney
PublisherBlue Mountains International Hotel Management School
Number of pages9
ISBN (Electronic)9780994514103
Publication statusPublished - 2016
EventCAUTHE 2016: 26th CAUTHE Conference - Wesley Conference Centre, Sydney, Australia
Duration: 08 Feb 201611 Feb 2016


ConferenceCAUTHE 2016
Abbreviated titleThe Changing Landscape: The Impact of Emerging Markets and Destinations
Internet address


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