The Oxford handbook of Christianity and economics

    Research output: Book/ReportEdited bookpeer-review


    Many important contemporary debates cross economics and religion, in turn raising questions about the relationship between the two fields. This book, edited by a leader in the new interdisciplinary field of economics and religion and with contributions by experts on different aspects of the relationship between economics and Christianity, maps the current state of scholarship and points to new directions for the field. It covers the history of the relationship between economics and Christianity, economic thinking in the main Christian traditions, and the role of religion in economic development, as well as new work on the economics of religious behavior and religious markets and topics of debate between economists and theologians. It is essential reading for economists concerned with the foundations of their discipline, historians, moral philosophers, theologians seeking to engage with economics, and public policy researchers and practitioners.
    Original languageEnglish
    Place of PublicationOxford, England
    PublisherOxford University Press, USA
    Number of pages640
    ISBN (Print)9780199729715
    Publication statusPublished - Feb 2014


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