The oxygen consumption kinetics of commercial oenological tannins in model wine solution and Chianti red wine

Jelena Jeremic, Isara Vongluanngam, Arianna Ricci, Giuseppina Paola Parpinello, Andrea Versari

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One property of oenological tannins, oxygen reactivity, is commonly exploited in winemaking. The reactivity is mediated by the presence of catalysts (i.e., transition metals and sulfur dioxide) and protects wine against oxidation. This work compares the oxygen consumption rate (OCR) of four commercial oenological tannins (two procyanidins from grape skin and seed, an ellagitannin from oak wood and a gallotannin from gallnut) in a model wine solution and Chianti red wine. All samples were subjected to consecutive cycles of air saturation at 20 °C to increase the total level of oxygen provided. After each cycle, the oxygen level was measured by means of a non-invasive luminescent sensor glued to a transparent surface (sensor dots) until there was no further change in substrate reactivity. The OCR followed first-order kinetics, regardless of the tannin. As expected, the ellagitannin showed the fastest OCR, followed by the two from grape seeds and skins and finally the gallotannin. The total O2 consumption in the red wine was almost double that of the model solution, due to the oxidation of wine substrates. The measurement of OCR is helpful for setting up an advanced winemaking protocol that makes use of tannins to reduce the use of sulfur dioxide.
Original languageEnglish
Article number1215
Number of pages13
Issue number5
Publication statusPublished - Mar 2020


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