The power of collective healing: Listening to each other’s stories

Research output: Other contribution to conferenceAbstractpeer-review

Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2024
EventGlobal ADHD Conference: The World's Largest ADHD conference - Online
Duration: 03 Oct 202404 Oct 2024
Conference number: 3 (Conference website) (Schedule)


ConferenceGlobal ADHD Conference
OtherOctober 3rd and 4th for 24 hours. A truly global conference. Spanning the globe by running for 24 hours across all time zones. Bringing together the best of ADHD experts to audiences across the regions of the world to learn the best of ADHD from each other. Raising ADHD understanding individually, locally, nationally and globally.

We move with the sun to connect every part of the globe with important experts in their time zone. Watch live on YouTube and contribute to the Q&A sessions or catch up on any sessions you couldn’t attend.

Our mission is to share the best of global learning on ADHD with the maximum number of people benefiting. This event is therefore FREE to attend … please donate if you can.

Any donation you can make is important. The Conference receives no government funding, the event is not for profit, speakers are supporting the conference with their time and by not taking any fees or even expenses, and all proceeds from donations are split between the participating ADHD charities.

If you are an ADHD charity and or a leader in the world of ADHD and are interested in being involved in our the conference please contact us. And if you’re someone wanting to attend the Global ADHD Conference register here.
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