The relations between emotions and well-being: What does Islamic spirituality offer for emotional stability?

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I presented a paper at the International Conference on Da'wah and Islamic Communication Faculty of Da'wah and Islamic Communication. The conference was hosted by the Religious Affairs Ministry of the Republic of Indonesia. The letter of invitation is attached.
The Qur’an and sunnah, the tradition of the Prophet, aim to create a socially, spiritually and economically healthy society in this world and gain eternal happiness in the hereafter. For this purpose, Islam does not address only the aql but also the heart and soul for well-being. A purpose-driven life plays a highly important role in well-being and emotional stability. From Ibn Sina (d.1037) the preeminent philosopher and physician of the Muslim world to modern-day Muslim scholars, particularly psychologists have widely discussed the role of a purpose-driven life for emotional stability. Contemporary Muslim scholar Said Nursi (d.1960) argues that human beings have thousands of emotions, many of which have not yet been identified. Some of these emotions can emerge a few times during someone's life. In this paper, I will discuss seven key points namely just cause, a good companion or companions, tafakkur (deep pondering) a rival to compete with, courage, flexibility and self-care in the light of Islamic purpose-driven life for well-being.
This paper has two arguments. The first is that the Islamic purpose of life offers intellectual satisfaction for well-being alongside animal and imaginary satisfaction. Secondly, it argues that emotional and spiritual care providers should be ibn zaman (the son of time). Muslim scholars use the concept of Ibn Zaman about a scholar who acquires the needed science or sciences, digests and presents it according to the needs of his/her day and age. This presentation will conclude that without intellectual satisfaction, human beings can not achieve a high level of well-being.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2023
EventInternational Conference of Da’wah and Islamic Communication 2023: ICoDIC 2023 - Institut Agama Islam Negeri Kudus, Central Java, Indonesia
Duration: 19 Sept 202319 Sept 2023


ConferenceInternational Conference of Da’wah and Islamic Communication 2023
Abbreviated titleDa’wah for Mental Health and Peace
CityCentral Java
Internet address


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