The relationship between international student library use and information needs

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This study examines how international student library use relates to their information needs and the factors influencing their information needs. The collected quantitative data were analyzed using descriptive statistics (percentages) and inferential statistics (ordinal regression). The regression analysis confirms that demographics, human capital, and library use variables play significant roles in predicting international student information needs. Demographic variables such as age, human capital data such as education level, databases, interlibrary loan, e-journals, library reserve, ready reference, online subject guides, browsing the Internet, email and print materials are significant predictors of international student information needs, but this study indicates that gender, library catalog, and remote access to the library offerings make no difference. The findings will help library directors, managers and librarians to reflect on the factors’ influences and to use the results to break down international students into smaller groups and evaluate, develop and enhance services and resources to satisfy their increasing information needs.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)23-40
Number of pages18
JournalLibrary and Information Research
Issue number116
Publication statusPublished - 2013


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