The role of GLAM industry in saving our collective memories and protecting us from historical forgetfulness and social amnesia

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This presentation includes four parts. In the first part, I define the meaning of three concepts including Collective Memory, Historical Forgetfulness and Social Amnesia and illustrate the conceptual links among them. I also explain the similarities and differences among four kinds of memories which are personal memory, social/collective memory, historical memory and archival memory. In the second part, I briefly review what GLAM industry (Galleries, Libraries, Archives and Museums) has been done globally so far as Memory Institutions to save our social/collective memories and protect us from historical forgetfulness and social amnesia. In the third part, I provide a number of themes and trends that LIS scholars need to consider to study the value and importance of various types of memories and the contextual elements that affect our understanding about them. Finally, I mention a number of technological, cultural and ethical challenges that memory institutions are facing at the moment and need to find effective solutions for them in the near future. Because at the end our personal and social memories determine who we are and how we live.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 27 Nov 2019
EventSchool of Information Studies Research Seminars - Charles Sturt University, Wagga Wagga, Australia
Duration: 27 Nov 201927 Nov 2019


SeminarSchool of Information Studies Research Seminars
Abbreviated titleInformation Science
CityWagga Wagga
Internet address


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