The status of native vegetation communities in the Central West catchment of New South Wales

Colin Bower, Cilla Kinross

Research output: Book chapter/Published conference paperConference paperpeer-review


The native vegetation of the Central West of New South Wales is in trouble. A perusal of the literature and personal observations over many decades demonstrate that the much of the native flora in this region is in decline. The region contains 40 threatened plant species and nine threatened ecological communities and this does not count the species and communities known to be declining, but not yet listed. The primary reason for this is loss of habitat due to land use changes, over-grazing and clearing. Other major threats include introduced invasive plants, altered fire regimes and hydrology, intensive land uses and climate change.
Recommendations to reverse this trend include a new mechanism to protect small areas of high conservation value; greater incentives for conservation on private land, including landscape repair and revegetation, legislative reforms to prevent broad-scale clearing and rigorous enforcement of conservation agreements.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationBiodiversity dreaming
Subtitle of host publicationSustaining nature and agriculture after 200 years of European inland settlement in the Central Western Region of New South Wales
EditorsCilla Kinross, Goldney David, Kerle Anne, Barbara Mactaggart
Place of PublicationBathurst, N.S.W
PublisherGreening Bathurst
Number of pages18
ISBN (Electronic)978064856311
ISBN (Print)9780648563105
Publication statusPublished - 2019
EventBiodiversity Dreaming Conference 2015 - Charles Sturt University Bathurst, Bathurst, Australia
Duration: 10 Nov 201511 Nov 2015 (proceedings)


ConferenceBiodiversity Dreaming Conference 2015
OtherCopy of program attached to PID 32204978
Internet address


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