The “things” of first transitions

Laura K. M. Herold, Sheena Elwick, Bridgette Redder, Fiona Westbrook, Kathryn Hawkes

Research output: Book chapter/Published conference paperChapter (peer-reviewed)peer-review


This chapter explores the role of “things” and objects in first transitions and highlights the nonhuman interanimating aspects of this process. We pay particular attention to things related to feeding (e.g., bottles); things important to the transition process, such as favourite items from home; objects of particular importance in the classroom; and comfort items, such as pacifiers (dummies). Throughout, we explore the role that these things play in infants’ first transition into early childhood education and care (ECEC). Of particular interest are the ways in which these items appear to influence infants’ positive mood and affect, and the mediating role that key transitional things play in infants’ interactions with peers and adults.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationFirst transitions to early childhood education and care
Subtitle of host publicationIntercultural dialogues across the globe
EditorsE. Jayne White, Helen Marwick, Niina Rutanen, Katia Souza Amorim, Laura K. M. Herold
Place of Publication Cham, Switzerland
PublisherSpringer Nature
Number of pages24
ISBN (Electronic)9783031088513
ISBN (Print)9783031088506
Publication statusPublished - 05 Aug 2022

Publication series

NamePolicy and Pedagogy with Under-three Year Olds: Cross Disciplinary Insights and Innovations


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