The use of deferoxamine mesylate for the management of iron overload in a foal with neonatal isoerythrolysis

Edwina Wilkes, Darien Feary, Sharanne Raidal, Kris Hughes

Research output: Other contribution to conferencePoster

Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2018
Event40th Bain Fallon Memorial Lectures - Hyatt Regency, Sydney, Australia
Duration: 15 Jul 201819 Jul 2018


Conference40th Bain Fallon Memorial Lectures
OtherThe Bain Fallon Memorial Lectures are presented annually over 5 days by renowned international speakers each July. Equine Veterinarians Australia (EVA) aim to make these annual lectures the premier resource for the continuing education of equine interest veterinarians in the southern hemisphere. The complete archive of Bain Fallon Proceedings on SciQuest contains the full text of all articles published since the inaugural meeting in 1974 to date, in fully indexed and searchable format. Currently this comprises more than 650 high-quality articles covering a wide range of topics in equine medicine, surgery, nutrition and reproduction, making this an unparalleled resource for equine practitioners.

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