The use of information architecture guidelines by Australian libraries

Philip Hider, Sally Burford, Keith Ferguson

Research output: Book chapter/Published conference paperConference paperpeer-review

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This paper reports the results of a survey which aimed to examine the extent to which the information architecture (IA) of Australian library web sites is developed with reference to documented methods and guidelines. It was found that a majority of libraries used either in-house or external documents, or both, but that the nature of these documents varied greatly. The extent of libraries' control over their own web sites also varied very widely. Although documentation was considered useful in some ways, respondents were more interested in developing the necessary IA skills and competencies than in standardisation.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationVALA2008
Subtitle of host publicationLibraries / changing spaces, virtual places
EditorsTom Denison
Place of PublicationMelbourne, Victoria
Number of pages14
ISBN (Electronic)9780908478187
Publication statusPublished - 2008
EventVictorian Association for Library Automation (VALA) Biennial Conference and Exhibition - Melbourne, Australia
Duration: 05 Feb 200807 Feb 2008


ConferenceVictorian Association for Library Automation (VALA) Biennial Conference and Exhibition


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