Theatre Review: Fast Cars at Bathurst's Memorial Entertainment Centre

Research output: Contribution to specialist publicationBook/Film/Article review


Kate Smith’s hilarious musical comedy Fast Cars (2023) has just completed its second run. Appropriately, its 2024 return ran parallel with Bathurst’s Superfest endurance motor race, though in the case of this drama, endurance does not involve undertaking repetitive laps of a circuit; rather, it is about the nobility of exercising everyday resilience. Reinforcing this message was a moving image that beamed drone footage of Bathurst’s Mount Panorama/Wahluu. This collaborative artwork created a deeply meditative experience as trees and sky blurred into one another. It also had a dual purpose: it operated as a framing mechanism that introduced audiences to the landscape of the play, but also provided a reminder of an eternal nature that preceded and exceeded the world of the play, as well as all of us.
Original languageEnglish
Specialist publicationArtsHub
Publication statusPublished - 22 Feb 2024


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