Theoretical formulation/development of signal sampling with an equal arc length using the frame theorem

Chunying Xu, Jiawang Chen, Yongqiang Ge, Miao Li

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Nonuniform sampling with equal arc length intervals can be found in shape measurements with contact sensor arrays. In this study, the conditions of nonuniform spatial sampling with an equal arc length interval are derived from two frame theorems. First, for general nonuniform sampling, the condition is that the equal arc length interval of the sensors should be less than 14Ω. Second, for strictly increasing sampling (the sampling point set is strictly increasing), the condition is that the equal arc length interval of the sensors should be less than 12Ω. The Ω is the maximum frequency of the detected object. For the latter, if the sampling frequency is more than twice the sampling frequency required, the reconstruction error (RRMSE and MRE) is less than 5%. If the sampling frequency is more than 2.5 times, the reconstruction error is less than 3%. The simulation and the application test are carried out, and the results show that a sensor array with equal arc length interval can reconstruct the detected object with high accuracy.
Original languageEnglish
Article number59
Pages (from-to)1-18
Number of pages18
JournalEurasip Journal on Advances in Signal Processing
Issue number1
Early online date07 Jul 2022
Publication statusPublished - Dec 2022


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