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The objective of this study was to investigate the frying performance of canola oil types processed by various processors in Australia. The scope of oils tested were: refined canola oils obtained after cold-mechanicalpressing (CmpCO); hot-mechanical-pressing of canola seeds (HmpCO-I and HmpCO-II); and a generic canola oil (GenCO – blend of canola oil from other extraction techniques). Samples were selected from the 2016/2017 production season to ensure limited variation in the fatty acids composition of the oils. The canola oil samples were used to fry fresh cut potato chips, and the oil degradation was monitored by measuring the total polar materials (TPM), free fatty acids (FFA) and tocopherols content. It was found that the HmpCO-I sample exhibited
better thermal stability than other oils tested. Tocopherols retention during frying also improved the thermal stability of canola oils. Overall, the oils exhibited different degrees of thermal stability, which highlighted inherent differences in canola oils – as a function of the crude oil processing method. The outcome of this study will provide insight to processors on the thermal stability of their canola oils and could serve as a platform for further optimisation of their processes to produce the best quality products for domestic and international markets
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationAusCanola2018 20th Australian Research Assembly on Brassicas Perth
Place of PublicationAustralia
PublisherAusCanola 2018
Number of pages6
Publication statusPublished - 2018
Event20th Australian Research Assembly on Brassicas: AusCanola 2018 - Rendezvous Hotel Scarborough, Perth, Australia
Duration: 05 Sept 201806 Sept 2018


Conference20th Australian Research Assembly on Brassicas
Internet address


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