Three steel teeth: Wide comb shears and woolshed wars

Mark Filmer

Research output: Book/ReportBook


Australia’s wool growing industry descended into chaos during the early 1980s when a small group of ‘rebel’ shearers started advocating for a seemingly minor change. The rebels, led by gun shearer Robert White, wanted 13-tooth shearing combs legalised. Wide combs, as they were known, had been banned from use in Australia for more than 50 years. But White and his supporters argued they were more efficient and productive than the standard gauge 10-tooth shearing combs and wanted the ban overturned. Standing in the way was the powerful Australian Workers’ Union. The ensuing David and Goliath like clash produced four years of industrial turmoil, bitterness, intimidation and some outlandish violence, as the AWU went all out to try to stop the introduction of wide combs. This is the first detailed account of an industrial dispute that revolutionised Australia’s iconic shearing industry and led to the total demise of the AWU in the industry after it stubbornly refused to embrace technological change.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationPort Adelaide
PublisherGinninderra Press
Number of pages364
ISBN (Electronic)9781760417895
ISBN (Print)9781760417888
Publication statusPublished - 13 Sept 2019


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