Trans-subjectivity and care: Modelling the hermeneutics of Being

Ian Coxon

Research output: Book chapter/Published conference paperChapter (peer-reviewed)peer-review

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In this chapter I explore the role that trans-subjectivity plays in shaping Care. The interpretation of Care that I use here, draws on Martin Heidegger's seminal text Being and Time (1962) describing Care as those processes of human existence and living, the everyday experiences and activities of life, that help to constitute a person's mode of Being. In other words, I take as a central theme that the term Care describes a human-in-the-process-of-Being.Furthermore, this text presents an exploration of the role that trans-subjectivity plays in shaping Care as described through a Model of Care. The modelling of Care used here, describes four key elements of each person's life (namely, Experience, Living, Projection and Time) that shape their mode of Being. A person's mode of being is what makes them uniquely individual, something that develops and evolves as their life unfolds. It is the intention of this chapter to demonstrate how Care is a central theme in any understanding of who human beings are and how trans-subjectivity is vital to the processes of shaping a mode of Care that characterises each and every human being. Understanding the dynamic interplay between trans-subjectivity and Care will help researchers better understand the way that human beings encounter, interact with and impact upon the world in which they live. In other words, each person's mode of Being (Care) while immediately as well as historically affected by trans-subjectivity, is ultimately determined by them (consciously or not) and thus, each person is responsible for the end results of their actions (intended or not).
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationApproaches to the concept of trans-subjectivity
EditorsJuan Coca
Place of PublicationSoria, Spain
PublisherCEASGA Publishing
Number of pages44
ISBN (Electronic)9788494932175
Publication statusPublished - 31 Dec 2020

Publication series

NameHermeneutics, Society and Innovation
ISSN (Electronic)2603-6886


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