Turning mirrors into windows: Developing ethics subjects to foster responsible and professional police

Anna Corbo Crehan, Matthew Campbell

Research output: Book chapter/Published conference paperConference paperpeer-review

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People training to become police officers in NSW undertake an ethics subject in both their second and fifth sessions of study. The second session immediately precedes their attestation as Probationary Constables and, therefore, their initial 12 months of work as police-officers-in-training. The fifth session is the final session prior to confirmation as a Constable, and its conclusion marks an abrupt change for students from 'junior' to 'senior person on the truck'. The recent redevelopment of the Session 5 ethics subject called for consideration of this forthcoming leadership role, while also allowing students to consolidate their second session learning with the benefit of their experiences as probationary constables.The intent of this paper is to explore a number of key issues that arose when the authors were revising the Session 5 ethics subject referred to above, with specific reference to the use of meta-cognitive processes, including reflection on and critiquing of their experiences of both ethical and leadership issues during their time as probationary constables in the New South Wales Police. The paper discusses the process undertaken to develop the subject and the considerations that were accounted for in its design, including the broader issue of what it is to teach ethics, particularly to this cohort of students. The paper will attempt to draw more general conclusions about the teaching of ethics to professionals by way of dedicated ethics subjects.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publication14th AAPAE Conference
Subtitle of host publicationEnhancing responsibility
EditorsMichael Segon
Place of PublicationMelbourne, Australia
Number of pages21
ISBN (Electronic)9780975154724
Publication statusPublished - 2007
EventAustralian Association for Professional and Applied Ethics (AAPAE) Conference - RMIT, Melbourne, Australia, Australia
Duration: 27 Jun 200729 Jun 2007


ConferenceAustralian Association for Professional and Applied Ethics (AAPAE) Conference


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