Ukraine, Palestine, Latin America and the Caribbean: The US-China Rivalry and Dissent in a Multipolar World

Research output: Book chapter/Published conference paperChapter (peer-reviewed)peer-review


The US-China rivalry – with the US as the leading imperialist power and China as the principal rising power – has produced a multipolar world order which constitutes a serious threat to US and Western hegemony. The Ukraine War and the ongoing Israeli-Palestine conflict exemplify many of the geopolitical issues involved. However, Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) is arguably the most dynamic arena of the US-China rivalry. Within these three contexts, this chapter critically analyses 21st century imperialism, that is, capitalism in its most aggressive and developed form, which is the driving force behind the US-China rivalry. That is to say, within the imperialist framework, the US-China rivalry is fundamentally a fierce competition over the control of resources (e.g., oil in the Middle East and oil, minerals, and metals in LAC), markets (e.g., the energy market in Europe), and territory. The rivalry divides the Global North and the Global South, with the main beneficiary being China. A critical understanding of the US-China rivalry is essential to informed debate, organisation, and opposition to 21st century imperialism and, therefore, to dissent.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationPolitical Economy of Dissent: A Research Companion
EditorsPeter Blunt, Cecilia Escobar, Vlassis Missos
Publication statusAccepted/In press - 2025


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