Unlearning and Learning: History, pedagogy and developing place literacies

Research output: Other contribution to conferencePresentation onlypeer-review


This presentation discusses the role of arts practices and ethnography within Indigenous Studies as a strategy to decolonise curriculum and subject design. This strategy involves a process unlearning and relearning, or critical public pedagogy, to develop space and place literacies for strengthened ecological citizenship in uncertain times.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 01 Nov 2019
EventArtstate Tamworth 2019 - Tamworth Regional Gallery, Tamworth, Australia
Duration: 31 Oct 201904 Nov 2019
Conference number: 3
https://entertainmentvenues.com.au/artstate-tamworth-2019 (Event website)
https://static1.squarespace.com/static/55514bdfe4b01797f36695c6/t/5def10685cb2154c11dd3486/1575948489508/artstate_overview.pdf (Overview)
https://artsreview.com.au/artstate-heads-to-tamworth-in-2019/ (News story)


ConferenceArtstate Tamworth 2019
Abbreviated titleOn Country - In Country
Internet address


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