Untold narratives: Voices of FELCRA settlers towards Macaque monkeys in Hulu Melaka Malaysia

Kalthom Husain, Aida Nasirah Abdullah, Mohd Fauzi Kamarudin, Peter Denyer-Simmons, Mehmet Mehmet

Research output: Other contribution to conferencePresentation onlypeer-review


We present a case study of the social issues of wildlife conservation in Hulu Melaka Federal Land Consolidation and Rehabilitation Authority (henceforth FELCRA). The depletion and destruction of rain forest promoted by man over originally pristine habitats have led to an increased competition between humans and wild animals for space and resources. This study analyses interviewees’ responses collected from a group of FELCRA settlers comprising of 15 peoples, which covers their perceptions and attitudes towards macaque monkeys in Hulu Melaka, Malaysia. We found that FELCRA populace revealed their widespread negative attitudes and perceptions towards conservation of long-tailed macaque found in the area via the in-depth interview conducted. The negative attitude was caused by wildlife damage to crops, losses of livestock to predators, loss of land to conservation, attacks to humans, lack of control over animal wildlife resources and had a relatively poor opinion of the Department of Wildlife. We suggest the reduction of the negative impacts of animal wildlife, through, for example, fencing of agricultural land, improved control of problem animals, and adequate compensation schemes. It is also essential that local communities be given more control over the wildlife resources than they currently enjoy.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages1
Publication statusPublished - 05 Jul 2017
EventAustralia and New Zealand Communication Association (ANZCA) 2017 Annual Conference - University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia
Duration: 04 Jul 201707 Jul 2017
https://anzca.org/conference-event/anzca-conference-2017/ (Conference website )
https://web.archive.org/web/20200311022119/https://www.anzca.net/conferences/past-conferences/2017-conf.html (Conference website)


ConferenceAustralia and New Zealand Communication Association (ANZCA) 2017 Annual Conference
Abbreviated titleCommunication worlds: Access, voice, diversity, engagement
OtherThe conference invited reflections on the worlds of communication we inhabit, create and reshape – from ancient, modern and future communication worlds through to colonial and postcolonial worlds, activist and start-up worlds, ecologies, ecosystems and environments.

As we can see from our various encounters with the internet and social media across the globe, different types of ‘worlding’ enable and/or inhibit our access to, voice, participation in and engagement with media and communication spheres. With these four concepts in mind, ANZCA 2017 sought to explore who has access to our symbolic worlds and who is excluded from them; what knowledges, skills, resources and strategies enable us to enter these worlds; and what forms of presence these environments support, as well as what absences they suggest. Our second theme explored the concepts of voice and listening – who decides, on what terms and with what consequences, when people are given platforms to speak? How and in what contexts are they heard? Media diversity was a third theme, inviting accounts of how we might reimagine communication worlds, policies, practices and platforms for the more effective expression of cultural diversity. Engagement, our final theme asked colleagues how we might invite and recruit people to communicate in our worlds, and how we might we gauge the depth, breadth or scope of their interests, responses and contributions.
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