Usage, attitudes and workload implications for a Web-based learning environment

Betty Collis, Johann Messing

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    At the University of Twente, a locally developed Web-based learning environment called the TeleTOP system is being implemented throughout the university after being first developed and used in the Faculty of Educational Science and Technology, followed by use in the Department of Telematics. Studying the usage choices of instructors with regard to tools offered by the system, as well as the instructors' workload implications and attitudes, is valuable not only for the implementation activities in the rest of the university, but more generally for those studying the impact on educational practice of Web-based learning environments containing course-management tools. This paper reports on a study of thirty-three TeleTOP-using instructors from the two faculties at the end of the 1999-2000 academic year. The results show that instructors feel that a major benefit of using the system is that it is a catalyst for a re-evaluation of one's own teaching; many instructors do not make use of the tailoring options; decisions about use of the system and the provision of feedback are based on the current instructional practices of the instructor; and instructors perceive increases in their workload to be a problem (whenin fact the actual amounts of time spent vary considerably and include instructors with minimal investments).
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)17-25
    Number of pages9
    JournalALT-J: Association for Learning Technology journal
    Issue number1
    Publication statusPublished - 2001


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