Using checklists to make better best

Craig Wright, Tanveer Zia

Research output: Book chapter/Published conference paperConference paperpeer-review

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The more routine a task is we see the greater the need for a checklist. Even the smartest of us can forget where we parked our cars on returning from a long flight. So, the question is, why not create a straightforward checklist that will improve system management and security? In Information Technology operations, the vast majority of skilled people have re-built servers, but in an incident response situation, it can be unforgivable to overlook a serious security configuration simply because in the stress of the environment causes one to lose track of which stage they were on while being interrupted and multitasking. We show that the use of standard checklists and flowcharts created by the individual make for better results even in daily tasks. This paper presents the results of an experiment into the use of checklists by incident responders. It demonstrates how basic checklists can improve an organisation's security.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publication9th Australian Information Security Management Conference (secau Security Congress 2011)
EditorsCraig Valli
Place of PublicationPerth
PublisherSecAU Security Congress, ECU
Number of pages7
Publication statusPublished - 2011
EventAustralian Information Security Management Conference - Perth, Australia
Duration: 05 Dec 201107 Dec 2011


ConferenceAustralian Information Security Management Conference
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