Using interactive oral assessment in your subject

Research output: Other contribution to conferenceAbstractpeer-review


Using interactive oral assessment in your subject Ruth Crawford, School of Allied Health, Exercise and Sports Sciences Amita Krautloher, Division of Learning and Teaching Marissa Samuelson, School of Allied Health, Exercise and Sports Sciences You might have heard your CSU colleagues talking about using interactive oral assessments in their subjects. You might have also heard that this style of assessment has multiple benefits for students as well as academics. Research (Krautloher, 2021; Krautloher, et al. 2021; Samuelson, et al. 2022; Sotiriadou et al., 2020) has found that students reported enhanced engagement with the subject, feeling more job ready and better able to demonstrate analytical, communication and problem-solving skills. Academics reported greater marking efficiency, better academic integrity assurance and greater confidence in students’ demonstration of knowledge and skills. In this showcase, we will provide practical advice and ideas to inspire you to include an IOA in your own subject. By the end of the showcase, you will have begun to: • Develop a scenario for an IOA, making sure it is authentic to the real-life work the students will do in future practice; • Consider which aspects you might include in the marking criteria for an IOA, based on learning outcomes and/or graduate outcomes students need to demonstrate; • Scaffold assessments towards and from the IOA for best learning outcomes; • Be aware of useful resources on how to continue to develop, implement and evaluate an IO in your subject.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 16 Nov 2022
EventCSU EdX 2022 -
Duration: 14 Nov 202216 Nov 2022


ConferenceCSU EdX 2022
OtherCSEdX is a key professional learning event that celebrates best practices, explores our potential; and challenges us to provide every learner with a learning experience that is connected, relevant, thought-provoking, and future focussed.

It is the place where teaching academics can share and collaboratively learn about teaching practice: strategies, pedagogies, technologies, and approaches. The sessions offer the opportunity to explore ways to teach and to connect with peers to ‘talk teaching’.

It is the place to share the ways we improve our work through scholarly activity, bring discipline research into our teaching, and use student voices to guide teaching decisions.

CSEdX will drive innovative teaching and learning for 2023 because it offers an opportunity to bring together all staff who are connected to student learning: faculty academics and divisional staff who support the design of learning, or who lead student learning for 3 days of collective thinking and celebrating. It can be a flagship event at the university bringing together professional learning foci from across the year and shaping collective consideration of a conceptual direction for scholarly focus for the next 12 months- guiding the planning for what we need to be focussing on in teaching and scholarly activity for teaching.

The Charles Sturt EdX Conference is being held online in 2022.
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