Using mobile devices as an immediate feedback tool to improve students’ pronunciation in language learning

Chris Campbell, Martie Geertsema

    Research output: Book chapter/Published conference paperChapter (peer-reviewed)peer-review


    This chapter reports on a study on the use of mobile devices as an immediate feedback tool in order to improve students' English. Voice recognition software in the English classroom aids student learning as when learners are unable to hear their mistakes, the voice recognition software transcribes their mispronounced efforts into a visible form and thereby creates that extra step for learners to recognise that they have made an error so that they can correct it. Furthermore, it provides immediate, personalised, and focused feedback, with the opportunity to increase learner autonomy. Data was collected in full from eight adult students who attended an English Language course in Brisbane, Australia, with the final survey being completed by eleven students. They attended the course from July to August 2013 and were placed in a class for learners progressing from a B2 to C1 level according to the Common European Framework. After the pre-test, the teacher analysed the pre-test samples and identified common phonological areas to address in the whole class. Results of the study were positive with students in the treatment group improving their English language pronunciation. One benefit of using the voice recognition app DragonDictation is that learners were able to see their mistakes and were thus able to correct their own pronunciation.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationThe international handbook of mobile-assisted language learning
    EditorsAgnieszka Palalas, Mohamed Ally
    Place of PublicationChina
    PublisherChina Central Radio & TV University Press Co.
    Number of pages30
    ISBN (Print)9787304074647
    Publication statusPublished - 2016


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