Vagrant migrant or resident: An eel-life example

Samantha Davis, Jason Thiem

    Research output: Other contribution to conferenceAbstractpeer-review


    Movement and residency times of longfin eels in estuaries, and rivers and other aquatic habitats in coastal catchments is generally understood anddocumented. The freshwater habitats of the land-locked catchments of Murray Darling Basin in south eastern Australia are not commonly associatedwith supporting populations of eels and when they are detected, it is generally as a single isolated occurrence and the record is usually dismissed asa vagrant or anomaly. As a result, anguilids are not considered when formulating specific management actions for protection and enhancement ofnative fish in these areas of the basin. A key knowledge gap is the route undertaken by eels detected in lowland rivers in land-locked catchments thatare isolated by distance, waterway connectivity and physical topography from their original point of entry into Australian freshwater habitats. Amature longfin eel captured in the Macquarie River near Warren, New South Wales was examined to determine age, sex, residency time in saltwaterversus freshwater and most probable migratory pathway by otolith microchemistry analysis. This preliminary information can help inform specificmanagement actions relevant to this species, including the revision of the conservation status and adjustment of current bag and possession limits inwestern flowing rivers for these extremely rare and vulnerable long-term residents.
    Original languageEnglish
    Number of pages1
    Publication statusPublished - 2019
    EventAnnual Conference of the Australian Society for Fish Biology - National Library of Australia, Canberra, Australia
    Duration: 14 Oct 201917 Oct 2019 (Event website)


    ConferenceAnnual Conference of the Australian Society for Fish Biology
    OtherThe goal for ASFB 2019 is to showcase and celebrate the place that the wonderful world of fishes has in the hearts and minds of people spanning a range of cultures, backgrounds and perspectives.

    The conference program has workshops, special events and sessions that will explore how to effectively communicate via the visual arts, digital media, and the spoken and written word, bringing new understanding and inspiration to the millions of people who value and depend on fishes for their wellbeing.
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