Validity and reliability of the Vietnamese version of the UTBAS-6 scale on adults who stutter

Hanh Thi Bich Tran, Nguyen Do Nguyen, Laura Hoffman, Rachael Unicomb, Sally Hewat

Research output: Other contribution to conferenceAbstractpeer-review


Background: The UTBAS-6 scale is a valid and reliable tool for measuring unhelpful thoughts and beliefs associated with speech-related social anxiety in adults who stutter. Whilst this clinically useful tool is widely used and standardized for many countries and languages, it has not yet been validated for use with Vietnamese people who stutter.

Methods: The translation process involved 5 stages: forward translation, synthesis, backward translation, experts’ review, and pilot. Data collection was conducted on 34 Vietnamese adults who stutter. Content validity was evaluated by SLT experts using content validity index (CVI). Face validity was assessed by participants. Construct validity was assessed via convergent and divergent validities. Reliability was assessed through internal consistency and intraclass correlation coefficient.

Results: CVIs of relevance and clarity of the scale were in the range of 0.83-1.00, showing a high level of expert consensus. All participants agreed that the Vietnamese version was relevant to the topic and easy to understand. Convergence was at 88.9% of the items, and divergence was at 61.1% of the items. Alpha coefficients of the scale were above 0.7 and the test-retest reliability of the scales was moderate.

Conclusions: The Vietnamese version of the UTBAS-6 scale was shown to be a valid and reliable tool that may be useful to screen for social anxiety in Vietnamese people who stutter. Further studies with a larger sample size are needed to ensure the accuracy of the findings.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2023
Event32nd World Congress of the International Association of Communication Sciences and Disorders (IALP) 2023: IALP 2023 - The Aotea Centre, Auckland, New Zealand
Duration: 20 Aug 202324 Aug 2023


Conference32nd World Congress of the International Association of Communication Sciences and Disorders (IALP) 2023
Abbreviated titleTogether Towards Tomorrow
Country/TerritoryNew Zealand
OtherThe IALP World Congress occurs every three (3) years – Triennial. It brings together the global community of affiliated societies to one event, hosted by regional national societies/Local Organising Committee.

IALP Vision
IALP has a global vision to facilitate better understanding, knowledge and care of all those with communication and swallowing disorders.

IALP Mission
The mission of IALP is to improve the quality of life of individuals with disorders of communication, speech, language, voice, hearing and swallowing.

IALP will:
i. facilitate science, education, and clinical practice through international cooperation and collaboration;
ii. create and share knowledge, skills and information;
iii. provide a platform for international networking and advocacy.
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