Visual Literacy, Journalism and the Digital Age

Bruce Fell

    Research output: Book chapter/Published conference paperConference paperpeer-review

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    In the Digital Age visual literacy is becoming integral to journalism education. As the production and reception of the screen shifts from an analogue world to a digital constellation, the significance of visual literacy begs to be addressed. While recognizing that traditionally, areas such as television journalism have always worked in tandem with camera operators and vision editors to re-present people and circumstances; the Digital Age ought to be understood within the context of shifting workplace expectations. Ours is a screen-induced society, around 99% of Australian babies are born into a world where, from sunrise through the days of our lives they increasingly observe their friends and neighbours both home and away via TV, PC, MP3 and mobile phone. In this multi-screen entertainment infused environment, production departments have shrunk. Consequently, the digital journalist is increasingly called upon to communicate as both wordsmith and image-maker. As the moving image increasingly underscores the viewer's screen-based experience from cradle to grave, journalism education would do well to acknowledge how screenbased media attracts, maintains and informs the audience at a time when individual journalists have less access to production personnel
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publication2nd Joint JEANZ/JEA Conference
    Subtitle of host publicationJournalism downunder: the future of the media in the digital age
    Place of PublicationAuckland, New Zealand
    PublisherSchool of Communication Studies, AUT University
    Number of pages16
    ISBN (Electronic)1877314625
    Publication statusPublished - 2006
    EventJoint Journalism Education Association (JEA) and Journalism Education Association (JEANZ) Conference - Auckland, New Zealand, New Zealand
    Duration: 04 Dec 200607 Dec 2006


    ConferenceJoint Journalism Education Association (JEA) and Journalism Education Association (JEANZ) Conference
    Country/TerritoryNew Zealand


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