Waking up to sleeper weeds

Rex Stanton

Research output: Book chapter/Published conference paperConference paperpeer-review

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Sleeper weeds are plants that are naturalised in an area for a considerable period of time before becoming a significant problem through a rapid population increase. Land management practices can influence the ability of weeds to initially invade an area and to subsequently become problematic. Establishing and maintaining effective hygiene practices can limit the introduction of new plants into an area and can also reduce the introduction of genetic material into existing populations. Weed management aims to manage existing weed populations to keep numbers below the economic impact threshold, but should also consider preventing new weeds from becoming dominant problems. Sleeper weeds present a unique opportunity to target an eradication program at a small weed population where there is a very favourable cost/benefit ratio. Failure to consider the current weed spectrum when changing management practices may lead to the creation of a favourable environment for a sleeper weed that is already present.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationAgriculture
Subtitle of host publicationopening the gate
EditorsH. Burns, R Stanton R Stanton
Place of PublicationWagga Wagga, Australia
PublisherNSW DPI and CSU
Number of pages8
ISBN (Electronic)9780734718570
Publication statusPublished - 2007
EventEH Graham Centre Riverina Outlook Conference - Wagga Wagga, Australia, Australia
Duration: 23 Aug 2007 → …


ConferenceEH Graham Centre Riverina Outlook Conference
Period23/08/07 → …


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