
Martin Slawig (Artist), Elke Utermöhlen (Artist), Chris Bowman (Artist), Rachel Walls (Artist), Rachel Pridell (Artist), Mike Day (Artist)

Research output: Non-textual outputs, including Creative WorksCreative Works - Other


Waterline is an interactive animation and design lab run at Sydney Olympic Park's Newington Armory as a part of the Artist Residency Program. Hosting Germany's blackhole-factory group as visiting artists, a collaboration between tranSTURM's Sydney members and blackhole-factory emerged as an evolving exhibition space with workhops for artists and members of the public during October 2015.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationNewington, Australia
PublisherSydney Olympic Park Authority
Media of outputArtwork
SizeExhibition, animation, programmatic interactive work
Publication statusPublished - 25 Oct 2015
EventWaterline - Newington Armory, Sydney Olympic Park, Newington, Australia
Duration: 02 Oct 201525 Oct 2015


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