What are the determinants for presentation and therapy options for rural men with prostate cancer?

Karen Francis, Desley Hegney, Paul Bramston, Marie Warden

    Research output: Book chapter/Published conference paperConference paperpeer-review


    This paper reports on the findings of a study which sought to identify the determinants rural men use in deciding to attend health service providers for diagnosis of prostate cancer and the therapy regimes they choose following diagnosis. This is a significant study as little is known about how and why men decide they need to consult a health service provider for diagnosis of prostate cancer. Data collection involved focused interviews with men who have been diagnosed with prostate cancer as well key informants for example Director of the Cancer Council, Clinical Nurse Consultants. This study explicates how rural men make decisions about therapy and from whom they receive the information they use to make their decisions. Findings indicate that rural men do not recognise early symptoms of prostatic cancer. They are often not informed about prostate cancer and the possible complications resulting from therapy choices. They choose therapy options on the basis of a specialist medical practitioner's preference and retrospectively are not always happy with the limitations imposed on their decision making. The study provides useful information to health care providers when planning health promotion activities targeting men's health ' in particular prostate cancer.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationGood health, good country
    Subtitle of host publicationfrom conception to completion. 6th National Rural Health Conference
    Place of PublicationCanberra, Australia
    PublisherNetimpact publishing
    Number of pages12
    ISBN (Electronic)0957763018
    Publication statusPublished - 2001
    Event6th National Rural Health Conference - Canberra, Australia, Australia
    Duration: 04 Mar 200107 Mar 2001


    Conference6th National Rural Health Conference


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