What is a person? Deepening students’ and colleagues’ understanding of person-centeredness.

Monica Short, Karen Dempsey, Janice Ackland, Emma Rush, Eric Heller, Helen Dwyer

Research output: Other contribution to conferenceAbstractpeer-review


Deepening students’ and colleagues’ understanding of the person in personalisation approaches such as person-centred practice is the ultimate aim of this presentation.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages2
Publication statusPublished - 2017
EventANZSWWER Symposium 2017 - University of Auckland, Epsom Campus, Auckland, New Zealand
Duration: 07 Sept 201708 Sept 2017
http://www.anzswwer.org/symposium/symposium-events-2017/ (conference website)
http://www.anzswwer.org/wp-content/uploads/ANZSWWER-2017-Symposium-Programme-final.pdf (conference program)
http://www.anzswwer.org/wp-content/uploads/ANZSWWER-Symposium-2017-Book-of-Abstracts.pdf (Conference abstracts)


ConferenceANZSWWER Symposium 2017
Abbreviated titleChallenging Dominant Discourses
Country/TerritoryNew Zealand
OtherANZSWWER was previously known as the Australian Association for Social Work and Welfare Education (AASWWE).

ANZSWWER, an independent commentator on social work and welfare education, encourages membership from social work and welfare educators, field supervisors, practitioners and students in Australia and New Zealand. Together we work towards sustainable, quality and world class social work and welfare education through networking, national and international relationships, our journal, annual symposium and the recognition of achievements in the field.
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