Insufficient evidence intraperitoneal fluid is equivalent or superior to intravenous fluid therapy in dehydrated calves

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In calves <14 days old which are moderately to severely dehydrated (5–9%) or acidaemic (base excess -5 to -15 mM), does intraperitoneal fluid therapy result in comparable or superior clinical improvement when compared to intravenous fluid therapy? Clinical bottom lineCategory of research questionTreatmentThe number and type of study designs reviewedTwo papers were critically reviewed (one randomised clinical trial and one case series)Strength of evidenceWeak evidence relevant to the topic questionOutcomes reportedStatistically significant differences were not found between treatment groups (administration of intravenous fluids [n = 27] or intra-peritoneal fluids [n = 28]) in the clinical trial, and findings relevant to the topic question were not reported in the case series of 18 calvesConclusionThese studies provide insufficient evidence that intraperitoneal (IP) fluid is comparable to, or provides superior clinical improvement, when compared to intravenous (IV) fluid therapy in moderately to severely dehydrated (5–9 %) or acidaemic calves (base excess -5 to -15 mM) aged < 14 days of age
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1-9
Number of pages9
JournalVeterinary Evidence
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 11 Feb 2020


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