Winter sown 100-day wheats for a changing Australian climate

Timothy Green, Juan Sergio Moroni (Contributor), Felicity Harris (Contributor), Jim Pratley (Contributor), Daniel Mullan (Contributor), Greg J. Rebetzke (Contributor)

Research output: Book chapter/Published conference paperConference paper


A short duration, 100-day wheat for mid-winter sowing needs to be developmentally fast to optimise anthesis timing and have high early vigour to grow adequate biomass before anthesis.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationGRDC Update Papers
Place of PublicationAustralia
Number of pages6
Publication statusPublished - 14 Feb 2023
EventGRDC Grains Research Update - Wagga Wagga 2023 - Joyes Hall and Convention Centre - CSU, Wagga Wagga, Australia
Duration: 14 Feb 202315 Feb 2023


ConferenceGRDC Grains Research Update - Wagga Wagga 2023
Abbreviated titleDriving profit through research
CityWagga Wagga
OtherThe 2-day GRDC Grains Research Update at Wagga Wagga is back with a vengeance in February
2023. If you are involved in the production side of the grains industry, this is an event that you cannot afford to miss. Come along and discuss the latest grains research information, share ideas, network and update your knowledge.
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