Witness credibility

Research output: Other contribution to conferencePresentation only


Invited presenter to discuss Denault et al. (2023)'s survey of Quebecois judicial officers' views about delivery, content, and context cues to credibility and the message from empirical psychological meta-analyses (ie. as cited in Denault et al. (2000)) not to rely on non-verbal cues to deception, and not to train judicial officers in non-verbal assessment techniques like "synergology" though to consider if para-verbal and verbal cues to deception assist the decision maker. Discussion of the Australian Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT) Migration and Refugee Division's Guidance on Witness Credibility and the Council of Australasian Tribunals Practice Manual guidance on credibility. Panel discussion involving three tribunal members (one judicial officer from the AAT Migration and Refugee Tribunal (Mr Sean Baker), one from the NZ Migration and Refugee Tribunal (Judge Martin Treadwell) and one from a motor vehicle accident tribunal in NZ (Mr Brett Carter).
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 09 Jun 2023
Event2023 National Conference for the Council of Australasian Tribunals: Independence, integrity and impartiality in a changing world - Wesley Centre, Sydney, Australia
Duration: 08 Jun 202309 Jun 2023
https://coatconference.com.au/2023-home (Conference website)
https://coatconference.com.au/2023-program (Program)


Conference2023 National Conference for the Council of Australasian Tribunals
Abbreviated titleIndependence, integrity and impartiality in a changing world
Internet address


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