Workforce Development for The Hair and Beauty Industry

Roslin Brennan Kemmis, Sharon Ahern

Research output: Book chapter/Published conference paperConference paperpeer-review

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This paper presents the research findings from two focus groups and two case studies that explore the issue of workforce development for [vocational educational and training] VET educators who work in the Hair and Beauty Industry. This research forms part of a larger research project funded in 2009 by Service Skills Australia: 'New Deal' Project - 'Workforce Development for the Service Industries VET Practitioners'. Two focus groups were conducted to gain a variety of perspectives on the issues facing the industry. Two case studies were then carried out. These case studies will present different models of the way in which VET providers can respond to rapidly changing industry demands and they explore issues related to themes within the larger Service Skills Project. These themes include: the desirable attributes of the VET practitioner, organisational leadership, responding to the needs of students, industry partnerships, the development of pedagogical capabilities and the importance of the affective and emotional dimensions of work. A number of these findings are applicable across all industry sectors.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationVET Research
Subtitle of host publicationLeading and responding in turbulent times, 13th Annual AVETRA Conference
Place of PublicationAustralia
Number of pages10
ISBN (Electronic)9780980527520
Publication statusPublished - 2010
EventAustralian Vocational Education and Training Research Association Annual Conference - Surfers Paradise, QLD, Australia
Duration: 08 Apr 201009 Apr 2010


ConferenceAustralian Vocational Education and Training Research Association Annual Conference


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