
In 2018 Charles Sturt University began an investigation into workplace wellbeing for the New South Wales Department of Family and Community Services (FACS). The goals of this project were to identify the key issues, challenges and enablers of workplace wellbeing among caseworkers in FACS. Also, to develop appropriate evidence-based indicators and measures of workforce wellbeing within the organisational context of FACS, benchmarked across similar occupational groups in Australia and internationally.
This review examines the literature and research into workplace wellbeing within the context of the community welfare sector, both in Australia and internationally. It provides an overview of recent findings in relation to workplace wellbeing with a particular focus on national and international policy contexts and priorities in relation to workplace wellbeing in the community welfare sector. It goes on to identify evidence-based indicators of workforce wellbeing that have been successfully adopted within the community welfare sector. Finally it provides examples of best practice wellbeing initiatives and interventions and provides an analysis of the implications of current research for FACS.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationAustralia
PublisherNSW Department of Family and Community Services
Commissioning bodyNSW Department of Family and Community Services
Number of pages61
Publication statusPublished - 01 Dec 2018


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