You can't find this in any textbook: Co-design and creativity in higher education

Tracey Parnell, Kate Fiske

Research output: Other contribution to conferenceAbstractpeer-review


The Listening to Voices Project along with Charles Sturt University share with attendees, a unique and innovative resource for education, training and professional reflection.
Seeded from the need to provide authentic learning opportunities for allied health students and the advocacy of people with lived experience of the mental health system, the Listening to Voices education resource uses theatre, film and narrative to provide a powerful learning opportunity.

This beautifully crafted and co-designed resource utilises and values the lived experience narrative to increase student understanding of and respect for consumer voice. The resources also aim to provide educators with a strength based and respectful approach to addressing stigma and raising the empathy and capacity of health students.
Learning Objectives:
Attendees will have the opportunity to learn about the co design process that brought about a unique response to the needs of higher education providers and students as well as increasing the knowledge and visibility of the authority of lived experience.
Atendees will build their awareness of the resource through watching the short films and be able to contribute to identify the themes in the work and relate these to areas of their own knowledge and practice in mental health.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 15 Oct 2021
EventThe Mental Health Services Melbourne Conference: People at the centre of mental health system reform and design - Virtual, Melbourne, Australia
Duration: 13 Oct 202115 Oct 2021


ConferenceThe Mental Health Services Melbourne Conference
Abbreviated titleHope into action
Internet address


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