Young adult literature and mental health in the classroom: A Grounded Theory study

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Monique’s research explores how adolescents responded to mental health concerns as a means to further explore improving mental health literacy in this population. This occurred by focusing responses through the lens of a socially constructed artefact (a contemporary young adult novel) encountered within a structured educational setting (the school classroom) that is constrained within a larger social environment (government-designed national curriculum) (Shephard, 2022). To explore the adolescent views this research utilized an unobtrusive approach, collecting documents as data – the students written responses. As Grounded Theory is an exploratory and inductive research method, it provided a flexible yet systematic structure in which to collect, code and comparatively analyse documents-as-data.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2023
EventIASL Annual Conference 2023: 51st Annual Conference and the 26th International Forum on Research on School Librarianship - via Aurelia 476, Rome, Italy
Duration: 17 Jul 202321 Jul 2023 (Published papers and abstracts)


ConferenceIASL Annual Conference 2023
Abbreviated titleFLOURISHING SCHOOL LIBRARIES: Research, Policy and Practice
Internet address


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