Young Chinese tourists' motivations to engage in collaborative information behaviour for group holidays

Edwin Mouda Ye, Jia Tina Du, Preben Hansen, Helen Ashman, Marianna Sigala, Songshan Sam Huang

Research output: Book chapter/Published conference paperConference paperpeer-review


This paper reports work in progress from an ongoing investigation of young Chinese tourists’ collaborative information behaviour (CIB). Much existing research around CIB focuses on information seeking episodes while the circumstances where CIB occurs remain unclear. This study addresses this gap by investigating motivations to engage in CIB, paving the way towards a holistic perspective of CIB process. Following a grounded theory approach, data was collected from seven groups of young Chinese independent tourists travelling to Australia via interviews and self-kept diaries. Preliminary results revealed group holidaymakers’ broad and complex information needs falling into three categories, with properties being evolving and dynamic. Five dimensions of motivations to engage in CIB were identified, including gathering rich information, shaping specific information needs, sharing information seeking workload, accommodating each member's preferences and opinions, and sense of participation. We present these emerging results, provide design implications on tourist-centred information systems, and propose further research directions.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationPACIS 2019 Proceedings
EditorsDongming Xu, James Jiang, Hee-Woong Kim
Place of PublicationIllinois, United States
PublisherAIS Electronic Library
Number of pages8
Publication statusPublished - 2019
Event23rd Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems: PACIS 2019 - Shaanxi Guesthouse, Xi'an, China
Duration: 08 Jul 201912 Jul 2019 (Program on Wayback Machine) (Conference website on Wayback Machine)


Conference23rd Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems
Abbreviated titleSecure ICT Platform for the 4th Industrial Revolution
OtherPacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS 2019) was held at X'ian, China. PACIS is the main international Information Systems (IS) conference in the Pacific Asia Region. The primary purpose of PACIS is to enable regional and international Information Systems researchers and practitioners to meet in an annual forum that maximizes the opportunity for the exchange of information. The world’s Information Systems industry and research specialists, and academia are cordially invited to participate in a wealth of presentation, tutorials, special sessions and social activities for the advancement of Information Systems and Management.
The proceedings contain 250+ published articles and 20+ doctoral consortium articles.
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