Your digital life: can you imagine?

Research output: Other contribution to conferencePresentation only


This event provided a forum to explore the next wave of technologies - Drones, Augmented & Virtual Reality. A panel of local & national experts helped demonstrate the potential of these new technologies & how they will affect our lives. The speakers also provided an opportunity for those in attendance to get hands on with the technology and speak with the experts. The panel presented on industry innovations in agriculture, aerospace, education and creative practices. Andrew presented an overview of Animation & Visual Effects in feature film, a brief history of 3D-Stereoscopic entertainment, examples of VR and rules to be broken, practical uses of game engine technology, drones, photogrammetry, and how they all tie together. The talk encouraged social and cultural engagement and promoted the democratisation of these emerging technologies.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 12 Sept 2018
EventYour Digital Life - Wagga Wagga Council Chambers, Wagga Wagga, Australia
Duration: 12 Sept 201812 Sept 2018 (Event website)


SeminarYour Digital Life
Abbreviated titleDrones, augmented reality, virtual reality
CityWagga Wagga
OtherA panel of local & national experts helped demonstrate the potential of these new technologies & how they will effect our lives. The speakers also provided an opportunity for those in attendance to get hands on with the technology and speak with the experts. Drones, Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality are becoming more and more embedded in our everyday digital life. The panel presented on industry innovations in agriculture, aerospace, education and creative practices.
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